Les Secrets de la Luminothérapie


This book is only available in French.

In this book, Dr. Suzanne Filion provides practical and scientific explanations on the treatment of Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) as well as several other health issues that light therapy can address at any time of the year. You will find assessment questionnaires, relevant testimonials, and VARIOUS OTHER TECHNIQUES AND METHODS to foster your resilience and well-being. Additionally, you will learn how light affects us, the criteria for choosing a good device, and how to use it. It’s high time to bring light therapy out of the shadows and reveal its full potential!


Use the light regularly at about the same time each day. Also try to spend time outdoors during sunny periods. Eat sensibly, exercise and try to keep regular sleep-wake hours.

Our bright light products attempt to replicate outdoor light.

To get light therapy your eyes must fall in the 10,000 Lux area.



Recommended by the world’s leading clinicians and publications.